Thursday, August 23, 2012

Paul's Family Diner,  August 16th.

   Well, where to start, we met early at the restaurant to enjoy our meal (hopefully) and have some time to talk. We were going to see the Drama after eating our meal. Trying to figure out what you want to eat is what takes the most time. As always the drink order was taken first, giving us more time to choose something. Everybody tea, sweet and unsweet. I don't know who their tea maker was, but that was some very good tea. I believe Pam ordered the buffalo burger, Lisa had  the hot dog, Susan had the Philly steak and I had the rib eye steak sandwich.
  Pam's burger looked good, according to her it tasted just like another burger. We tried to explain the difference of buffalo and beef to Pam, buffalo tends to be leaner than beef. It has to be cooked differently than beef too, sometimes it can be very dry if the cook tries to cook it like beef. Pam also ordered the fried pickles, now this was a very surprising appetizer. It was lightly breaded and sort of looked like fried squash to me. But when you bite one of these things the taste is different. Not in a bad way, the sour pickle flavor mixed with the breading offset each other quite well. This was the first time to try these and might order them again if given the opportunity.
   Lisa had the hot dog, and that was a meal and a half. The chili looked like it came out of a can.  But, I guess that you cut corners when you need to. Sometimes though it really isn't worth it. It can ruin the flavor of what you're eating. There is nothing better on a hot dog than homemade chili. Lisa wasn't feeling well that night and only are half of her dog. She said that her babies were going to have a real treat when she got home. Good for them!
   Susan ordered the Philly Steak sandwich, the roll that it came on wasn't the big. But it was packed with the meat, now all of these meals came with french fries. The thing that caught my eyes was that the fries all looked under cooked. It looked like they were put in oil for a few seconds and taken out. Susan sent her back to be cooked properly, brown and very crisp. I think this is the only way fries should be cooked. Limp soggy fries don't looked very appealing.
   I ordered the rib eye steak sandwich, cooked to  medium wellness. The steak was very tender and very tasty. The thing that I really can't stand is all of the extras that goes on a sandwich. I prefer to have a small amount of onions, lots of pickles and some mustard. If they serve horseradish, then I will order some of that too! But Paul's didn't have it so I had to make due. I also got a baked potato with my sandwich, I thought that it could have been cooked a little bit longer. It took some work to get it broke down to eat, and it was still kind of hard in the middle. But still edible. In my opinion, if you want a good sandwich head down to Paul's Diner. Try some of their appetizers too. you just might find something to write home about. We are headed to the Rivers End in the Nantahala Gorge. Come out and enjoy a meal and some good conversations too.

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