Friday, August 3, 2012

Newfound Lodge

    Newfound Lodge  August 2,2012

Hello everybody, I want to share with you about our trip to Newfound Lodge.It was just Susan and myself this week, Lisa wasn't there to share in this adventure we were on. Pam was still at her writers conference this week and missed out on all the fun. We arrived there around 6:45 and were taken to our seats which were in the side room next to the road. After looking at the menu I decided to just get the buffet bar. The fare for the night was Indian Dinners, as Susan explained in her blog, these dinners consist of fried chicken, fried potatoes, boiled cabbage, bean bread, chestnut bread or lye dumplings, fat back, greens and fat back grease. If properly prepared this is usually a very fine meal to partake of, on this night that wasn't the case! The only thing that was done right was the fried chicken and the lye dumplings.
   The rest of the food looked like it was cooked to death, there was a tremendous amount of grease on the potatoes, as I said in my last blog we grew up eating potatoes. What they had on the buffet was not appealing in the least bit. They also had pork chops on the buffet, in the past their chops were real good, so I was expecting a treat. What I got instead was a pork chop that had an odd flavor. I cannot put into words that will describe the flavor, so I won't try. Another thing is , I think the chops were boiled, this might be the cause of the taste. There was fry bread on the buffet also, now being from a western state, we know what fry bread is supposed to look like. what they had was like a piece of hardtack or a thick stale cracker. My sisters and nieces who make very good bread would hang their heads in shame and disbelief.
   Susan didn't fare any better, I think she might have taken at least 1 bite from her plate. What she had ordered was a big disappointment for her. All in all the night was a total bust for us, in my opinion it would be a very good idea to steer clear from eating here. Our next adventure takes us to Nabers Drive In, should make up this night. See y'all next week.

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