Sunday, August 12, 2012

Going to Nabers is always a treat. It is the stuff of real Americana.  Bench tables with ketchup, salt and pepper, and a couple of pin ball machines.  Great burgers, bbq, hot dogs, sandwiches, fries, onion rings, and hot fudge sundaes. The menus is large enough to please almost anyone. It is one of the few places in NC you can order bbq BEEF, chopped or sliced.  It is a nostalgic dining experience. You can drive up and place an order from your car window, talk about whatever you want to in the privacy of your space and have your meal brought to you. It was always a pleasure and sense of continuity to see Dixie bring you your order and provide a sweet smile and quick conversation. As Susan wrote, Dixie is no longer there, a reminder that everything changes, and sometimes with no rhyme or good reason. What is comforting is that you can still get what folks now refer to as a Carolina Classic (burger, chili, slaw, onions, and mustard), or a chili-slaw bun,  and it will be the same good ol' drive in food.  The hot fudge sundae is still a good deal and is enough for at least two people.
You always see someone you know from Cherokee, Sylva, Whittier, or of course, Bryson City.  Generations have been going to Nabers and Susan has great photos from when her mom and dad worked and frequented there.  Don't look for fancy dining digs or romantic ambience.  Instead, this is one of those great local diners that make traveling off the interstate worthwhile.  It is where generations of locals have gone and continue to go to eat, visit, and see old friends.

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