Thursday, August 2, 2012

Cork & Bean

  July 19th, 2012  CORK AND BEAN

This is Greg, The one whom y'all have heard about but not from. I am not the type who really does this sort of stuff, but given all the hell that I have been taking lately, I thought it wise to finally take the big leap and do this. Please be patient, this blog is about the Cork & Bean Wine Bar & Coffee House. It is located next to the square in Bryson City, actually it is across from Pasqualinos Restaurant. It is a small place with wooden floors, big windows and several small tables. When we arrived, that would be Lisa and myself, there weren't but a couple of other folks in the place. Susan took some time off to go to the beach to visit with her friend from Oregon. Pam had a family emergency to tend to, so she wasn't able to be there that evening either.

   Before Lisa arrived, I had ordered a Mocha Latte, it was very good and very hot!! When Lisa showed up it took some time to decide what to order.The menu consisted mainly of crepes, there were a few desserts, appetizers and one soup, Lobster Bisque. Lisa ordered the veggie crepe and an unsweet tea.I had a cup of the lobster bisque, which was very rich of course. I also ordered the albacore crepe, which I didn't know what to expect. This was only the second time for me eat a crepe, ever, like most folks our age, I grew up with the standard meat, beans and taters. I have to admit that it did taste good, guess that tuna salad does go with everything! I washed this down with a mint tea that was very pleasant. The mint flavor wasn't overpowering and it wasn't too sweet either.
Veggie Crepe

Albacore Crepe

The atmosphere was sort of relaxed until more people showed up, it got kinda loud for a few moments. I am the type of person who can't handle too much racket, first of all you almost have to shout to be heard and then having to hear what the other people are saying is next to impossible. BUT, we made it through the madness alright. All in all, the food is good but a bit pricey. The coffee is good and so is the different teas that they serve. There is a large parking area behind the building where the old jail used to be, so there is no problem with finding a place to park.  


Lisa drew and the next on the list is Newfound Lodge in Cherokee. See you there! 

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