Wednesday, July 17, 2013

May 16, 2013 - Sapphire Mountain Brewing Company, Sapphire, NC 

The SMBC is located in Sapphire Valley just beyond Cashiers. It is at the Sapphire Golf Course, which I thought a little odd. You typically don't find brewing companies at Golf Courses. But, there it was.. hidden way back along a windy, branched off, long drive through the golf course and housing. Which, by the way, was not typical golf course housing either. It looked more like student apartments. Very un-chi chi.

The building, as you can see, is very unassuming, unpretentious (I was expecting very pretentious) and somewhat normal looking. It certainly doesn't scream money as most of Cashiers and Sapphire Valley does. SMBC is located in a one story long, ranch style building with some rock accents and very poorly done landscaping. Maybe folks been pouring their beers in the planters.. the plants were not helping the ambiance at all. You would think they would have better landscaping since they are located in Cashiers and at a country club.

Inside, the decor looked something like a cross between a Colorado ski lodge and a frat house. Not that I have ever been inside a frat house, but a look that I imagine when I think of frat house. Game room, t-shirts for sale, lit up "special" board, beer ad signs all around... maybe you get the picture. All set in among hide covered couches, bark board bar, rustic rough sawn tables and chairs, worn smooth plank floor. 
I, for one, was glad to see such a rustic interior. I have a fear of going anywhere near Cashiers to do business. I always think they are going to look me up and down and send me on my way like the poor relation I am. I don't know why I feel this way. My only experience is going to estate sales, yard sales and moving sales in the area. Its not often I can buy anything at them, as they are priced at retail level, which is too high for me to make any money on them. And, just let me say.. the stuff is really not any better than I would find in Asheville. I have never scored a great find in the Cashiers area. Now that I think of it, I don't know why I go.. maybe just the thrill of the hunt runs too deep in my blood. And, curiosity at how the other half lives. 

Inside dining area - note the bark sided bar on the right
It looked like a great place to just sit with your buds, have a brew and linger over some basic food. There were not many folks inside. The ones there were all older folks. Not really any young folks hanging out. Not sure what that was about. When Greg and I arrived, Lisa and Rosemary were already there. They picked a table way in the back of the room. Maybe they were trying to hide. There is also a nice patio outside that is available for dining. You can also sit at the bar if you wish or if the place is crowded. Once again, Pam was not with us. I can't remember where she was tonite. I always miss her when she doesn't come with us. 

Appetizer consisting of French Fries, Fried Mac and Cheese, and Fried Onion Straws.

Lisa and Rosemary had ordered an appetizer before we arrived ( we are always late.. it's always Greg's fault. LOL) so when we arrived, the appetizer was not long behind. The SMBC has a relaxed atmosphere with a very casual setting. There was a huge screen and small stage directly behind us, so not sure if they have music or entertainment on occasions. I would not have wanted to sit where we were if that was the case. We were so close, we would have been part of the entertainment. The appetizer was a trio selection. It consisted of Fries, Onion Straws, and Fried Mac and Cheese. I KNOW! Fried Mac and Cheese! Who would have thunk it?
The fries were OK.. the onions were OK, the Fried  Mac and Cheese was pretty good. Different....but still a frozen food. Although it was unusual, it was not homemade or unique to the SMBC. Also, it was all fried. Not a good thing for folks who are watching their weight or cholesterol. 

My salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing 

This salad was awesome!! The dressing was fantastic and made by the restaurant. There was a nice variety of items on the salad - onions, feta cheese, mixed greens, croutons, tomato.  Very fresh (not made that morning), filling and tasty. There is a choice in terms of salads if you order an item that comes with a side salad.

Garden Salad - look at those veggies! 
Lisa also had a side salad with her meal. This is one of the other choices. Garden salad - mixed greens, onions, cukes, tomato, carrots, pepperoncini. Nice.... any place that makes their salads fresh and with mixed greens has my vote. In this day and age, there is no reason to serve plain, old iceberg lettuce, which has no taste or nutritional value. So, hurrah to places that choose to serve mixed greens. 

Wood fired pizza with mushrooms, beef. 

The SMBC has a huge, extensive menu. If you can't find something to eat on it, then you are pickier than me. There are many appetizers, sandwiches, salads, entrees, pasta, chicken, steaks and wood fired pizza. Something for everyone. And, lets not forget the brewery.

Portobello mushroom sandwich with homemade chips
The wait after we ordered was pretty long, but we were not ignored. Our waitress kept us plied with drinks and kept checking on us. She did come and give us the status of our meals.

Monte Cristo with steamed veggies on the side

Everything we ordered was very fresh, tasty and filling. My pizza was fantastic. A nice size for one person (with left overs), not too much dough or too thin. Greg loved his Portobello sandwich. It looked great and he also enjoyed his homemade chips. I honestly don't think he took a breath while eating it. Rosemary ordered the Monte Cristo sandwich. I have never heard of that and she had to explain it to me. After the explanation, I was not inclined to order one. Apparently it is a ham sandwich which is deep fried and has raspberry sauce and powdered  sugar on top. I don't know about you.. but that sounds absolutely  nasty. However... to each his own. She enjoyed it and even had leftovers. It does look good though, huh? I like the name too.

Spaghetti with marinara sauce. 

Actually, she had leftovers because she was sick and had to leave the table. I hope it wasn't something I said! Just kidding. She was not feeling well and spent quite a bit of time in the restroom. We think she was just dehydrated and had low blood sugar. She had not eaten or drank anything that day. Lisa also was not feeling well. She had a bad headache. Probably from not drinking enough water during the day.

Side of grilled mushrooms

Lisa ordered the spaghetti and it came with two sides. I don't think she realized how much food was coming her way. She had the appetizer, the salad, the main meal of spaghetti and her two sides of grilled mushrooms, and steamed veggies. Too much food for three people, let alone one. Lisa was overwhelmed with the amount of food and had tons of leftovers.

Side of steamed veggies
We had a great time, in spite of Lisa and Rosemary not feeling well. We all enjoyed our food and agreed we would come back. The atmosphere was comfortable and even though we did have a small wait for our food, it was worth it.

The bar
The place is cozy and the patio is nice. I would like to sit out there and enjoy a drink and look at the view down the valley. While we were sitting there, the place sorts cleared out. We were there a long time, but that was in part due to the wait and then because it took Lisa and Rosemary a while to eat because they did not feel well. 

Doughnut hole with powdered sugar & chocolate
In spite of the huge amount of food we had for dinner, we wanted to check out the SMBC dessert selection. So, Lisa and Rosemary ordered the doughnut holes and Greg and I ordered a Raspberry filled Brownie. Both were nothing short of decadent and way too many calories. But! don't they look scrumptious? You know they do and you know you want a bite.....
Brownie with raspberry filling and drizzled chocolate

We had a great time and would definitely go back. We highly recommend the SMBC. Take some friends, go hang out, enjoy the view and have a great meal. And on your way out.. get you a t-shirt.
The drive is worth it. What a nice surprise in the midst of so much money. Simple, basic fare in a laid back, relaxed environment.

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