Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Kinda makes you feel like you've walked right into down town China town, huh ? 

You can't miss this entrance

The NHG is located in Cherokee toward the park end of town, around Saunooke village. It has been in Cherokee for quite awhile and is very popular with locals. The same folks have owned it since it's opening and they are very nice folks.

I ordered off the menu. 
They have a buffet for lunch and dinner and it is very popular with working folks as they can get in and out very quickly. The food on the buffet is fresh, and does not sit for hours getting all dried out and gross. You know what I'm talking about. It is so fresh, that sometimes you have to wait for the pans to be refilled. But, when they are, you know the food is going to be hot and tasty.

Quite an extensive buffet

Tonite, we were missing Pam. I think she was off on one of her literary festivals, letting folks pick her creative brain and helping others become better writers. If you have not read one of her books, please do so. She is so funny and creative. She has three books out - "Plant Life," " The Big Beautiful." and "Moon Women." I have all three.. and no you can't borrow them. They are special to me as they are autographed. So.. sorry.. you'll have to go get your own. A good place to find them is at the City Lights Bookstore in Sylva, or maybe the Friend of the Library Stores in Bryson City and Sylva. You'll love them.. I promise.

Most items are the typical found in Chinese restaurants across the  country

So, there were only four of us on this night and I think we must have been tired or something. Some weird vibe was going on.. as we were all low key. The NHG was not busy when we got there, but as the night went on, the place filled up quickly. The restaurant is a smallish place, but cozy. We did see several folks we knew so "howdy's" were in order.

They did have Lemon Shrimp, which was really delicious!
The NGH is clean and has good food. There is a nice variety on the buffet with lots of veggies to pick from, a variety of soups and a salad bar. I am not a big fan of Chinese restaurants ( as you all know), but this is one of the best in the surrounding areas. For some reason, Chinese food kills my digestive track. I used to think it was the MSG, but I am just not sure. I do know I have an issue with the amount of sauce that is usually doused over the food.
Numerous items to pick from. Lots of veggies

While we were not lively this evening, we did linger over our supper. I think we all  got relaxed and just didn't want to move. I ordered off the menu just so I could see how quickly my order was served and how hot it was. My order did come in a timely fashion and was good. The others ordered off the buffet.

Good soup and several varieties

All three enjoyed their food and found many items that was to their liking. I feel comfortable saying this as they all went back for seconds. I made Greg get me some Lemon Shrimp off the buffet as it was really good. I think I could make a meal just from that. I don't remember seeing this particular dish on any other Chinese buffets, so that is a plus in my book.

Steamed rice, Fried, Rice, Lo Mein noodles
When we left, Greg was distracted by the giant carp in the fish tanks. They were huge and I wondered if they had enough room. The owner was happy to talk to us about his fish and he seemed quite proud of them.

Nice selection of salad items also

All in all we had an enjoyable evening with a good meal. We left full and happy.
And lets not forget the dessert selections

You like seafood?? We got seafood

Does this buffet ever end? 

These were not on the menu. ... maybe for the right price? 

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