Wednesday, August 28, 2013

May 23, 2013 - Colima's Mexican Restaurant, Sylva, NC

Colima's located in Quin Theater parking lot 

Well, as you can see, the blog has been neglected for a bit. What can I say? Summer and all that comes with it. This night everyone was gone except me, Lisa and Greg. We had a new supper member tonite, Jane Brown. It's always a nice change of pace when we have new faces around the table.

Chili Colorado with beans and rice

Jane is one hard working woman, and I'm glad she took time from her busy schedule to come eat supper with us. Her and Lisa were already in place and imbibing when Greg and I arrived. They probably deserved it. And who are we to deny them?

Enchiladas with beans and rice 
Colima's is located next to the Quin Theater in Sylva. It has been around for a number of years and was the first Mexican restaurant in the area. As the one and only, it enjoyed a long history of  popularity and attendance. BUT! that streak is no more. There are at least 4 Mexican restaurants in Sylva now. I have my favorite, I'm sure you have yours. The other three are the "same old, same old" that you find in every town in America. And you all KNOW my favorite! There is no comparison.


In my opinion, Colima's used to be better than it is now. They do have a lunch buffet, which I don't think the others do. But it is nothing special and the food is often dried up, tasteless, or cold. The menu is large, but there is really nothing special about it either. You can probably guess what is on the menu, if you've been in any American town Mexican restaurant. And you would be right. The food is typical Tex Mex and not homemade or authentic. 

Sides with fajitas - beans and guacamole salad

It is typically hot and served promptly. The same family owns Colima's that opened the restaurant originally. So, if you like consistently, you will get it here. The wait staff is typically very pleasant, and will spend some time chatting with you if you are in the mood.
Chicken soup
 The meal we had tonite was really not memorable. We did have a good time catching up, chatting, and getting to know Jane a bit better. We spend a longer time there than necessary just because we enjoyed the evening and the company. Jane has such a  great sense of humor, she is a joy to be around.

Colima's is usually crowded and I do feel they get a large amount of their customers from movie goers. It's close and convenient to the theatre and if you want a quick bite before the movie, or have a limited time for lunch then you might want to give them a try. But, don't expect great food or anything different.

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