Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tonight we met at Susan and Greg's and rode in together to Freddie Mac's in Bryson City, NC. It's between Ace Hardware and the long institution of hardware stores, Clampett's (I don't think any relation to Jed or Granny).  Freddie Mac has a good selection of seafood and about 20 burgers including bison and elk.  I had the buffalo chicken with blue cheese. It was pretty good! The sides (baked potato and ear o' corn) were good as well. It was more crowded than usual but the wait staff kept up pretty good.  We were well satisfied with everything as I'm sure you'll read from Susan and Pam soon.  The question of the night again came from Pam. She asked if we could be any animal what would it be? After much thought I said an eagle because they are large, intelligent, and protected birds who can climb and glide at high altitudes and they usually live in really beautiful parts of the country.  I remember a trip a couple of years ago to Vancouver, BC to a Society for Applied Anthropology meeting.  My friend Jenifer and I were sitting outside of the Museum of Anthropology at UBC and this beautiful, startlingly large eagle came swooping down with a few feet of us!  It was breathtaking!! It was an incredible experience in such a gorgeous setting and I'll never forget how impressive that eagle was! So eagle it is.  I'll let Pam or Susan inform you about Susan's outburst regarding NOT wanting to be a female duck. That was a disturbing conversation.  But we also talked about local folks and happenings and some of that was disturbing as well.  These guys are hilarious but I wouldn't post everything we talked about for a lot of reasons.
Afterward we drove over to TBCY's to get yogurt.  When Pam got through, she came out and looked all around saying things I can't repeat because Greg had driven us way over to another parking lot and Pam couldn't find us.  We just sat there in the car, watching to see if she was going to start walking or call the cops.  She finally found us and promptly cussed us as she got in the car.  Of course we were laughing at Pam's expense, and my guess is we will pay dearly at some undetermined time in the future.


  1. Were you drunk? We were at Jimmy Mac's not Freddie Mac's. Freddie Mac is a financial to Fannie Mae. LOL!!

  2. oh yeah, Jimmy Mac's. Sorry. I don't remember being drunk when I wrote that, but who knows. But again, that's hard to do with tea that ain't from Long Island.
