Wednesday, June 6, 2012

May 31- Guayabitos, Bryson City, NC

Guayabitos is located in the strip mall known as the Valley Village shopping center. Ingles used to be there before they built a new building and moved. Guayabitos is only a short distance from downtown and convenient to most of Bryson. There is plenty of parking also.

We all arrived on time and only had to wait for a couple of seconds for a table. The employees at Guayabitos are all one family and there are no "assigned tables or staitions" as in other restaurants. They all wait on you which means you never go long without someone asking if you need refills or anything else. The folks are all really sweet and if they are not covered up, will stop and chat for awhile.

We did nor order an appetizer as each table is served with complimentary chips and salsa. If you are not careful, you can easily fill up on those and not have room for your supper.

Since Greg and I had been there many times before we suggested a couple of things we had found that were  really good. The Pollo Fundido and Pollo Tapito are two really great dishes.

Lisa ordered the Pollo Fundido , which is a flattened, grilled chicken breast with onions, jalapeno and cheese sauce.

Pollo Fundido 

Pam order the grilled quesadilla.
Grilled Quisadilla

 I ordered the chicken enchiladas with greens salsa and Greg ordered the Mole Ranchero, which was flattened, grilled chicken breast with mole sauce.
Chicken Enchaladas with Green Salsa

Chicken Ranchero
Greg and Lisa also ordered the hot sauce, which was very hot! Tasty too , not just heat. 

We all talked about whether or not we had developed our alter ego names. We did! and they were quite hilarious. But we can't tell you as they are secret. Pam wanted to know if we had ever had nicknames and if so what are they. 
Greg's was Bubble Eye due to an eye condition when he was very young. We shortened that to Bub, since it is much nicer. Lisa's was Pud, which she is still called by family. (never got the story on how that happened). Mine was Susanmalindajanehopkins when I was very young. My papa started that one. When I was in college I had two; Little Bit and Bug. Bug has stuck the longest and I still get called that by people in college.  I don't think Pam had one that has stuck... 

We talked about local and national news.. movies, books we had read or were reading. I told them about Polly Evans book I was currently reading; Fried Eggs with Chopsticks. It is supposed to be an adventure travel book about Polly's adventure around China using public transportation, which in this case, means bus, train, taxi and donkey. It is quite hilarious and worth reading. Plus you get some little bits of unknown trivia in the process. Let me just say that according to Polly, the Chinese are excellent at expelling various bodily fluids in the most unlikely of places.. mostly in public. After reading that book.. I have no desire to go there. She also has two other travel books out - "Its not all about the Tapas," and something about Kiwis flying. She is a very matter of fact writer and doesn't hold anything back in her explanations of goings on. I spared everyone the gruesome details about the numerous times Polly has to endure someone expelling some sort of bodily fluid on or near her. Not while everyone was eating.....

Pam asked us if we were in the Witness Protection Program, where would we chose to live. We could not live in the South.  Lisa immediately said Hawaii. She felt it was pretty evident why  one would choose to live there. I was not so sure... typhoons, hurricanes, volcanoes.. not real evident to me. Plus the cost of living is  higher than a cat's back. 
Greg chose Prince Edward Island; one of the Atlantic Provinces in Canada. We have visited  there a couple of times and it is really pretty, but I would not want to live there. He likes winters though. 
I chose Nova Scotia which is another Atlantic Province in Canada. It has everything.... ocean, mountains, country, rivers, beautiful, quaint villages and cities. Plus Pam said I could come back and visit the south. So, I chose to come back down south and live during the winter. I do not like lots of snow and cold for prolonged times like I did when I was young. 
Once again... I think Pam got away with not answering. How does she do that? 

We ended up staying very late at Guayabitos just talking, laughing and enjoying the evening, company and meal. No dessert... we were stuffed. 

It was Gregs turn to draw and so Thursday, June 7th we will be at the River Rock Grille in Bryson City. It is beside the Watering Trough, near Na-bers. See you there at 6:30!

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