Monday, May 14, 2012

May 10th, 2012 - Smoky Mountain Country Club - Persimmon Grill

This was our first week eating as the newly formed Appalachian Supper Club. We chose the Persimmon Grill as the  first place to start begin as I found coupons hanging on the Whittier Post Office wall. (Buy one dinner entree and get one free). Well you can't beat that any day of the week. Plus none of us had eaten there.

 Maybe I ought to back up and start at the beginning. 

We are just a small group of friends who developed the habit of meeting every Thursday at a very special Mexican restaurant in Cullowhee, NC to eat and catch up on our week and what craziness or good news we had to share. There is Lisa, who is a Medical Anthropologist. She keeps us on our toes regarding any environmental, cultural or eco news, especially when it concerns air, water or the continuing destruction of our mountains by ignorant folks who; for some reason, want to doze all of them down in the pursuit of a better view from their 2nd or 3rd home, which happens to be sitting on top of one the mountains. Then there is Pam who is just funny as hell and always has an unexpected question to pose to us. I think these questions are sly attempts to develop characters for her latest book, but who knows. Maybe her mind does just go in fourteen directions at once. Then there is Greg who is originally from Oklahoma, and is the only male in the group. Kudos to him for staying in his seat during conversations about past relationships, menopause, baby daddy's, domestic violence, crazy people, other peoples children, facial hair, gays and lesbians, medical conditions (some specific to women) and a myriad of  other topics that most men would run screaming away from. Especially while they are eating. He does offer us a different perspective and even (strangely) can follow our often disjointed conversation. Then there is me.. a buyer and seller of sentiment and memories. The Supper club was my idea and I often have such. However, most times whenever I say "I have an idea," people close to me react by rolling their eyes, visibly holding their breath as if waiting for bad news, or verbally reacting with "Oh no!"  Especially my husband and carpenter friend as they know that statement from me usually involves work from them.

BUT! everyone seemed to like this idea. I suggested we form a Supper Club. Being from WNC, the proper term is "supper," unlike dinner which is the noon meal often referred to as lunch. Only outsiders call the noon meal lunch and the evening meal dinner. Since we are all from the south and from WNC (Greg excluded but excepted), we named our group the Supper Club. Anyway, I suggested we start meeting at different restaurants each week and write a blog about our experiences. I had never written a blog and really did not know what that was. I only had the movie "Julie and Julia" to go by. This suggestion was formed when we were trying to find local restaurants that were participating in the "Dinning out for Life" event in WNC. What we found was that only one restaurant in our area was participating. While looking over the extensive list in Asheville, I realized there were many, many restaurants I had not eaten at, and there were many, many more I had not even heard of. I wondered if there were restaurants closer to home in the same category. Sure enough.. there were.

So the next Thursday, I rolled out my idea to our group.. with the typical first reactions as mentioned above. But everyone seemed to like it after I had explained it a bit. We decided to start in Swain County and not go any further west.. for reasons undetermined. I think none of us wanted to drive that far really. We also decided each Thursday to draw a name to determine where we would go the following week. Since I found coupons for the Smoky Mountain Country Club Persimmon Grill, we all thought that was an easy starting place and a good bargain for us too. During this process, we felt bad about abandoning our favorite haunt and decided we would return there every first Thursday of the month. This is subject to change as needed., really based on if anyone of us need a Mexican fix. We also agreed that we would exclude fast food and chain restaurants from our list. After all.. we were really after good homemade, fresh food. It could prove to be a very fascinating adventure for us all.

During the following week, I googled for a listing of restaurants in Swain county and cut them out. I folded them so the person drawing would not see the name and be able to pick  or avoid specific places. I laid out my camera, the baggie of restaurant listings and I was ready for Thursday.

 And of course I was late!! I was trying to print the list and for some reason my computer and printer quit talking. I contacted my favorite computer fixer - my neighbor - and he came over after work. He never could figure out what the problem was but was able to rig me up something so I could print the list. I had not heard from Lisa or Pam at this point and decided to call to see if  they had forgotten. But of course they were waiting for me at Persimmon Grill. I raced to the restaurant and was surprised to see the Grill was not in the location of the old restaurant. It was located in what used to be the clubhouse.

The old restaurant was post and beam construction and quite impressive in size. It had a large deck that afforded the patron a nice "up in the air" feel. The whole back was glass and provided a fabulous view of the valley and part of the golf course. This restaurant burnt down a few years ago and I just assumed the Persimmon Grill was built back in its place.

The Persimmon Grill is very small. Even the tables felt small. There was only one waitress and the place really only needs one, and she was quite busy that night. Pam and Lisa had already ordered an appetizer, which I made them put back together so I could take a photo of it. Fried Green Tomatoes! One of my favorites.
The best ones I have ever found were Pickens, SC at a little country diner called The Family Restaurant or something like that. I used to eat there after I would leave the Wednesday flea market in Pickens. Really good homemade country food. And bar none...the BEST fried green tomatoes found. The last time I went to  Pickens, I pulled in the parking lot and to my great dismay the place was closed. I asked around town, but no one could tell me what happened. (I digress.. which I do often). The Persimmon Grill Fried Green Tomatoes were not green, but reddish yellow. Because they were not green, they were not firm like green tomatoes. They were presented well ( as you can see from, the  photo), but were a bit mushy. They were also served with a horseradish sauce, which was mediocre. It could of had a bit more flavor.


 I ordered half sweet and half unsweet tea. The tea was very good. Pam order the special which was a NY strip with melted blue cheese and horseradish Bordelaise sauce, baked potato and french green beans. She gave me a bite of her steak and I have to say, it was quite tasty. But how can you go wrong with horseradish?


Lisa and I ordered the Chicken Marsala. I love Chicken Marsala, and have had it prepared a dozen different ways. The meal came with either a Caesar or house salad. I chose the House since Lisa ordered the Caesar. I requested Ranch dressing. I meant to ask the waitress if  the dressings were homemade, but forgot. My Ranch was tasty, but extremely salty. Almost choke you salty. The flavor did taste like homemade, as it had lots of dill in it. The House salad was good too. Nice variety of veggies on the salad. The accompanying corn muffin was very dry and tasted like Jiffy Mix that had been watered down.


The Chicken Marsala was a bit on the skimpy side. The chicken was about the size of a playing card. The sauce was OK as far as taste; not one of the best nor one of the worst I've had. It was a bit skimpy on mushrooms as I only had 3.  My baked potato was not quite done, but done enough to eat and not bother sending back. The French Green Beans were also mediocre. The whole meal ,was not to the level I expected for a country club. But maybe I just have some sort of vision in my mind of affluence and prestige when thinking about a country club. While the experience was not an entirely negative one, it was also certainly not one that would entice me to return for a meal.


The company on the other hand was exceptional. Being that Greg was not present, but in Oklahoma for a wedding that was not going to happen due to a sudden and, I am sure, unexpected protection order, we took advantage of his absence and had girl talk that night. Pam in her usual manner asked us some question regarding our history of  wives tales" involving pregnant women dreaming or seeing snakes and as a consequence the baby being marked. We also discussed our current progress on our books as we are all three in the process of writing a book. Lisa thinks I need an agent and I think I am not anywhere close to needing an agent and really would not even know how to go about finding one. Overall, we talked and laughed and hee hawed a few times. It was good conversation with great friends, while eating mediocre food.

We decided to draw the next place we would eat by alphabetical order. Since Greg was absent, Lisa drew.  We will convene at Pasqualinos in Bryson City Thursday, May 17th at 6:30 pm.
I have eaten at Pasqualinos many times and love the food. The owners are sweethearts and I have known Nancy and her family since high school. She is my brothers age and her sisters were in school with me. She comes from a very hard working family and they are fantastic folks.
See you Thursday!! 

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