Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Persimmon Grille - May 10, 2012

Just under the wire, here I am posting the day of our next culinary adventure. I'll do better next time. Anyway, I really enjoyed my steak at The Persimmon Grille last Thursday night. Often I'll order something I think sounds good, then taste a dinner companion's meal and wish I'd gotten that instead. This time, though, when I tasted the chicken marsala, I was glad I'd gotten the steak. The chicken was a bit dry. The steak, on the other hand, was moist, tender, and flavorful, and the horsereadish Bordelaise sauce with blue cheese was yummy.

Oh crap, I just looked up Bordelaise and here's what it said: Bordelaise sauce is a classic French sauce named after the Bordeaux region of France, which is famous for its wine. The sauce is made with dry red wine, bone marrow, butter, shallots, and sauce demi-glace. BONE MARROW! How do they come by that stuff and what does it look like? Do I want to know? I don't think so. Oh, the dangers of Google!

Like Susan, when I think country club, I think tres elegant, fancy-schmancy, but this place was small and very un-fancy, though clean and tidy. Two big wall-mounted TVs were tuned to the golf channel, so clearly the place caters to hungry golfers coming in after 18 holes. When I arrived and stood at the front door waiting for the others, four or five "women of a certain age" whizzed by in golf carts, one after the other like a little train. They zoomed over to their vehicles to unload their clubs, then zoomed off out of sight, presumably to return the carts before heading home for cocktails and dinner. A little glimpse of how the other half lives. Or might they be part of the one percent? Or just retirees enjoying their hard-earned rewards? Hard to tell in a little place like that.

When Mama was pregnant with me, she and Daddy were living in a duplex in Swannanoa and one day a snake got into the pantry at the same time Granny Duncan stopped by for a visit. She said, "Lord, don't let Patsy in here. They's a snake and it'll mark that baby!" Anybody else ever heard of that? I asked Susan and Leaf about it at supper but they didn't know. We talked about what the mark would look like if a snake did mark a baby. Or would it be an invisible kind of mark? I may need to put that in the novel I'm working on now.

As always, it didn't matter that much whether the food was good or not. The important thing is the fellowship with Susan, Greg, and Leaf. Very happy to be part of the club, and looking forward to Pasqualino's tonight!

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