Wednesday, May 8, 2013

March 21, 2013 - Kostas, Dillsboro, NC 

Kosta's is  located in Dillsboro, NC, right on main street on the corner. You can't miss it.. just look for the packed parking lot. They have not been in operation long, just a few years, but BOY! have they developed a following. They are casual, so don't be afraid to come in your shorts. They just opened up an outside porch for dining and if there is a nip in the air, the porch has a covering to keep in the heat. 

Kosta's is a family restaurant in all senses. Make sure to stop and check out the family photos on the wall. They specialize in Greek, Italian and Continental cuisine and the options are vast. I always have a very difficult time making a selection every time I go. They have numerous pasta dishes, salads, sandwiches/subs, soups, pitas,burgers. Plus their appetizer selection is huge. Don't even get me started on their dessert menu. They make it very difficult to turn down one of their scrumptious homemade concoctions, as they have them displayed very prominently in a glass cold case right in the dining room. Their carrot cake is a legend in it's own right. It is eight layers (yes, 8!! ) of yummy goodness. And it's staring at your throughout your meal. 


Be prepared when you go to either stand in line waiting for a table, or to be in a crowded room. This is not the place to go if you want a nice, quiet, romantic or business meal. This place is busy, busy, busy and can the decibel level can often get loud.
But the food and great wait staff make up for it. You can have the choice of a booth or table and I always prefer the booth. That way, you do get a little space between you and the other diners. Plan also to spend some time perusing the menu, as there is a lot to choose from. Even though I have been there many times, it still take me a long time to decide. They do have some dishes that have become my favorites. But, I still have yet to try everything on the menu.

The flaming cheese seems to be quite popular. I have never ordered it, but Rosemary has and it seems to be one of her favorites. I think it is OK, as it seems to be one of those fun foods that folks like to order just to have the presentation, but really is not that much on the satisfaction end. Kinda like those steaming, flaming platters they have in Mexican restaurants. And yes... it does come to you flaming.




As you can see, we were all watching what we ate that night, or maybe we were saving up for dessert. I am usually so full from my dinner, I don't have room for dessert. Previously, I mentioned that I have acquired some favorite at Kosta's. I like the Tzasiki and Hummus. Why is it that Hummus always tastes better in a restaurant? I find salads are like this too. They always taste better in a restaurant. Something in my mind.... who knows what's up there?

I also like the Greek Salad with Chicken or Tofu. The salad is large with lots of  different veggies and is quite filling. I often just order this for my meal. Their Gyro platters are very good and quite filling. It seems that I am not alone in liking their Fish and Chips  as it is quite popular. Very tasty, with no fishy fish. I also enjoy their Stuffed Tilapia which is on the richer side. I have to save up during the day if I am going to eat this dish. Quite recently,  I ordered their Stir Fry and it was HUGE and very yummy. I had enough left over for my lunch the next day.
I have put a link to their menu so you can see for  yourself how vast the selections are. Kosta's really does offer something for everyone, no matter if you are a child, watching your diet, or hungry as a mule who's been working the fields all day.

Come check out this popular spot in Dillsboro, but come early cause it fills up fast.

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