Monday, February 11, 2013

February 7, 2013 - Rae's, Sylva, NC

Well here we are.. into uncharted territory. Tonite, we are at Rae's in Sylva. Rae's is next to the Bread Outlet and across the street from Rite Aid.

This night we were fortunate to have Beth and Robert join us. We always have fun with them and never know what our conversation topic will be.
None of us had been to Rae's before except Lisa and Greg, and that was only for lunch about a year or so ago. Both had commented on the long wait for their order. I have to say, I was very surprised when I walked in the building. It looked cavernous in there. And the booths were the largest I have ever seen. They could have seated 10 people each. And, each had a TV on the wall at the booths. Just like the old miniature jukeboxes that used to be at the booths back in the 50's. I liked the jukeboxes better. You all know how I feel about TV's in restaurants, except bars. HATE THEM.  The decor is weird.. kinda like a mutation of Tiki Bar, Pee Wee's Playhouse, Fishhouse and Kid's Day Care. I was not sure what theme they were going for, but check out the colors in this place.

Anyway, everyone was there already, except for Pam. We had a hard time finding a place to park. There is not much parking at all and towaway signs everywhere around the restaurant.
There were not many folks in the place so, we thought we would have an easy time getting waited on and getting our orders.

It took the waitress about 3 trips to our table for us to order. None of us could make up our minds. The menu is very expansive with Burgers, Sandwiches, Dinners, Salads, Appetizers, Soups, Steaks, Pizza and Calzones. Lots to pick from and all of it sounded mediocre. Nothing really stood out for me.   Lisa and Rosemary ordered the Fried Mushrooms, which turned out to be sliced Portabello mushrooms. A different variation on the usual Fried Mushrooms elsewhere. I tasted some and they were pretty good. A bit on the greasy side, but not bad. Greg ordered Fried Pickles and they were really good. Greg like Paul's better. The other's liked them also. Both of these items came with Ranch Dressing.

After a lengthy time, we finally decided on our orders. I ordered  a Mediterranean  Pizza. Greg ordered the Lasagna. Rosemary and Lisa ordered Calzones. Beth, Pam and Robert ordered Burgers. Pam and I also ordered a salad, which we made ourselves from the salad bar.  The items on the salad bar were fresh looking except for the mushrooms. They needed to be thrown out as they were brown and shriveled. Way past their prime. The dressings were not labeled, so we just guessed as to what they were. There were 6 to pick from. There were several items to pick from which was nice. A bonus was that the base was Spinach not Iceburg Lettuce. How different is that? A nice change.

We finished the Appetizers and still no food. Pam and I finished our salads and still no food. It did take a very long time to get our orders. The waitress was very nice and kept coming by apologizing and explaining why it was taking so long. Apparently, the justification was that all food was cooked fresh to order.

Time passes..... we continued to talk. Beth shared with us her latest activities of her children, particularly her son. It sounds like he lives quite the life of Riley in DC. Which is how it should be when you're young with no responsibilities. We also talked about the Superbowl halftime show and commercials. We were split on the how entertaining both were. I personally did not care for either. I thought the commercials were very disappointing. I also just do not get the entertainers of today. What happened to the true entertainers? The ones who sang and moved you with their singing? Now it seems that most are just pseudo dancers with a little undecipherable lyrics thrown in here and there. And the dancing is just gyrating.. not true dancers. I hate to say.... they will not be remembered when they are gone. Not like Crosby, Ann Margaret, Rogers and Astaire. What they do is not time immortal. Sad.. and just not worth watching. anyway..... some of us felt different. Lisa, on the other hand is focused on the Grammy's, where Adele and Streisand are performing.

After this discussion.. still no food. I think the last we checked, we had waited over an hour for our order. Finally, mine came. Then Greg's. Then Rosemary's and Lisa's. Then after another length of time, the others got their burgers, with Pam getting hers last. I was pretty much finished by the time she got her order. And ask anyone... I am the slowest eater on the planet.

My pizza had Spinach, Feta, Onions, Black Olives, Mushrooms and Chicken on it. It had no sauce of any kind, which kinda surprised me. It was a small pizza, definitely enough for one person. The crust was not thin nor thick. The taste was bland. I dipped it in Lisa's Calzone sauce because it had no flavor.

Greg's Lasagna was huge. That portion was enough for 3 people. It was stacked high and filled the entire plate. It came with no sides, such as veggies, or salad. He reports it was good, was filled with meat, and he liked the sauce. I tried the sauce and found it a bit sweet for me.

Rosemary and Lisa's Calzones were ginormous!! I mean they were HUGE! Unreal. They were large enough for 5 people. Rosemary's came with Alfredo sauce and Lisa's came with Marinara Sauce.

Beth and Roberts burgers were also over sized. Robert's seemed to be done, but Beth's was over done. She had to cut the charred parts off each side. Beth's was not done in the middle as  much as Robert's. Pam's on the other hand, was thinner than Beth's and Robert's and was bloody. I mean running blood. I couldn't have eaten it and would have sent it back.
All three had fries, which seemed to be OK.

Pam Cheeseburger - completely raw inside
Beths Burger.. Charred outside 

Overall, the food was just OK. The wait was just too long for what we ordered, and how busy the place was. The waitress was very nice. She seemed to be working hard running from place to place. I don't think Rae's will be a place I return to. But who knows.. I sometimes give folks a second chance as anyone can have an off night. So, maybe I will check them out for lunch and see if there is any consistency.

Roberts Cheeseburger with Fried Onion on top 
The next location we will be at will be South Of Philly which is located in the Quinn Theater shopping area. This is a new restaurant and we are a bit concerned about being able to fit in there as they only have a couple of places to sit. So.. come join us on February 21 at 6:30. We are taking next week off for Valentines Day so the others can go be with their honey's. Greg and I are an old married couple so we don't get all freaked out by the holiday anymore. We try to make every day Valentine's Day.

Lisa didn't like the food. so she just decided to drink.. and this is why you should not drink 

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