Monday, January 14, 2013

January 9, 2012 - Peking Gourmet II, Sylva, NC 

Peking Gourmet II is located in the Jackson Plaza, near Roses (probably the only Roses left in the country). It has been there several years, but has changed hands a couple of times. We debated whether this restaurant should be on our list since it is number 2, and one of our rules is that we don't do chains. But we decided that this technically was not a chain in the true sense of the meaning. (Little did we know, we would come to regret that decision). 

This restaurant appeared clean on first impression. It was set up like most Chinese restaurants; with several buffet stations, with an added bonus of the Mongolian Grill.This seems to be a highlighted aspect, meant to lure in unsuspecting patrons. However, this seemingly new addition to the same ole', same ole' buffet does not make the trip worth it. There was also the standard fish tank full of large sized carp or gold fish.

Tonite, we were all in attendance, except Lisa and Rosemary. I think Lisa was just playing possum so she would not have to eat the food. I am well aware of her aversion to most Chinese food, but she still   voluntarily wanders into the Asiana restaurant in Asheville. Nonetheless, we found ourselves venturing into the Chinese food hell with this restaurant. 
Myself, I hate these restaurants and will not ever eat at them unless I am forced to. They always make  me sick and nauseous. I am always hopeful that my experience will be different, but alas.. it never is. 

On this buffet were the usual standard Chinese buffet fare. General Tso's chicken, sushi, Sweet and Sour Chicken, Beef Pepper Steak, Green Beans, Mushrooms and Beef, Egg Foo Young, Egg Rolls, Chicken on a Stick, Mussels, Lemon Chicken, the soups, etc. Nothing different or new. 

They also had the Steamed Rice, Fried Rice, and Noodles. And of course the ever present, ice cream machine that dispenses the half melted, bland, questionable swirled concoction that, while looking like ice cream has none of the flavor, taste, or consistency of the real thing. But, you can have it in Vanilla or Chocolate. Your guess is as good as mine as to what the stuff is made of. 

Most of us tonite partook of the Mongolian Grill, which is at least freshly cooked. I only ate a little as most looked as if it has been sitting there since lunch...... the day before. You couldn't pay me enough to eat the sushi or the seafood. I'm not that brave. 

Well.. let me just say in spite of the food, we had a good time. Pam and I must be experiencing a momentarily bout of ESP as we both realized before dinner that we had not had a question in several months. So, I had prepared one for tonite and so had Pam. 
She graciously let me ask mine, since I typically don't do the questions.. that is Pam's baby. 
I asked "If you could do a movie, what kind of movie would it be, and why and who would star in or dead?" 

Beth went first and she stated she would make a movie (in general) about stories like the ones her daddy tells and she would star Robert Redford. Robert would make a movie about overthrowing the government and he would star Brad Pitt as he looked in Troy. Greg would make an animated movie, but he wasn't sure the theme nor who he would star in it.  He  wanted it to be just good old timey Speedy Gonzales style. He said the movies now are too violent. I would make a 40's or 50's style movie about just a good true to life story, with a love story intertwined. I would star Gregory Peck or Cary Grant and Judy Holliday or Grace Kelly. Pam said she would make musical and would star with Jimmy Stewart, Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck, Rosalind Russell, Joel McCrea, or Jean Arthur .  Pretty interesting variety of movies and stars

Well, in spite of the good company and lively conversation, we all paid a gastronomic price for our evening out. As we were walking out the restaurant, it started. What started, you ask? IT.... the always, ever present building momentum in our guts that consistently follows a night at a Chinese buffet. 
It started with me and Greg as soon as we got in the car. Those silent growing gas pains in our guts. Then the rock in your gut feeling started. Followed by the quickly building pressure that was impossible to ignore...or hold in. 
These feelings did not let up until late that night. It's a wonder we didn't have to sleep with our windows open....and the doors. 
I checked with Pam, Beth and Robert the next day.. Same results. Only Beth's lasted until the next day.. poor thing. We all agreed we would never darken the PG II doorstep again, and started wondering how many other Chinese restaurants we had left on our Jackson County list. 

So, our advice to our reading audience is to avoid any and all Chinese buffets unless you first equip your intestinal tract with a healthy dose of Tums, Immodium, Pepto Bismol, Kaopectate or any and all other indigestion aids, gas preventors, nausea calmers and stomach coaters. 

Just let this be a warning to you..... 

Join us January 24th at O'Malleys. See you there!!

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