Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 27, 2012 - City Lights Cafe, Sylva, NC

It was a cold, dark night, the kind when strange, unexplainable things happen, even to good people. The wind was blowing wild, the tree tops swaying wildly,  like they had come alive, sap running strong from the electricity in the air.  Who would be out in this damp dark, when everyone should be home, warm, reading a book, comforted in the knowledge their families were inside, out of harm's way.  Who would venture out in that weather? No one but the Supper Club!  You thought I was really gonna do that up, huh? Well, I would if I was a creative writer like Pam or one of her many, famous friends.But, just being me, that is all I could muster.

We did get together tonite at City Lights for a do over. The last time we were here, we liked to froze to death,with the only heat coming off our meal. That is, if  you were smart enough to order something hot. We also had to leave early cause the power went out all over Sylva. So, our dinner got cut short. Good thing, cause I was close to feeling like a side of beef ready to be hung up. And let me tell you, being a woman in middle age.. I welcome all the cold I can get. All you women out there will know exactly what I am talking about..... you men... don't worry about it.

Anywho, it was just me, Greg,Lisa and Pam tonite. The original Supper Club. Rosemary was out of town on personal business and Beth and Robert had family obligations. We all arrived pretty much on time, with Pam and Lisa already there and ordered. The City Lights Cafe has been around for a few years. It used to be called Spring Street Cafe. I don't know when or why it changed its name. I don't think much changed other than the name. I have not eaten here much. Lisa seems to like to pretty good.
It is a small place, underneath the City Light Bookstore. Nice, cozy, with the feel of a small coffee shop where friends gather, someone plays live music, or has a reading, or just hangs out. They do have a small patio on the side for when it's good weather.
I don't think their menu has changed much, but I do know that now, they specialize in crepes. I don't know what that trend is about, but now we have two restaurants (Cork and Bean) that specialize in crepes. Are crepes a eatery trend? Are they just easy to make? Are they cheap to make? Is there a surge in crepe requests from customers? What is up with that? Maybe someone out there knows.

Anyway, Lisa ordered her usual, three salads, with Spinach Artichoke Dip, Red Pepper Hummus, and Chicken Salad ,  Vegan Chili and a Fat Greek Crepe. Pam ordered a pasta dish with chicken with came with a side salad. . I also ordered the three salad dish, but I got the Asian Ginger Salad instead of the Spinach Artichoke. Greg ordered the Pumpkin Thai soup, with a Fiery Ham and Cheese Panini.





One cool thing about City Lights is that they offer gluten free items. So, if you have that issue, you now have a place to eat out. They also offer organic and natural items. They have an extensive wine and beer selection as you can see from the pictures.
There is usually not many folks in City Lights at one time. Folks kinda stroll in and out and many just hang out in the front to work on their computers. They used to have live music on a regular basis, but I an not sure what that schedule is.

It was definitely warmer in there than the last time. And until toward the end of our meal, we were the only table in there. Even so, the wait to get your food is typically a while. There are usually only two folks working the cash register, cooking, serving, cleaning up, etc. So, you have to wait to get your order in, which you do as you come in the door. Then there is another wait to get your food, and you can forget getting any service after that. Those folks are just too busy. So, if you need refills, etc, you have to get up and go get it your self. So, if you are a Type A personality, impatient, in a hurry, annoyed easily, or just a plain downright irritating person who has a hard time relaxing and chilling out... don't go in here. You will be climbing the walls and cussing before its' all over with.

This is a place to chillax (as Sonja on Operation Repo says), hang out, eat some good, healthy, plain food and visit with friends or make some new ones. I will tell you.. the last time we were here, we missed the opportunity to meet Gandalf. He was in there eating dinner. AND.... he had on his Elven cloak. It was pretty cool.. but we didn't have the nerve to talk to him or ask about Frodo or any of the other Hobbits.

Back to the food.... tonite, the Red Pepper Hummus was bland. I think someone forgot to put the peppers in it. The chicken salad was good as usual. This is a favorite of mine. I will warn you.. it doesn't look like typical  Chicken Salad, but it is very tasty. The Artichoke and Spinach is good too. The Asian Salad  with Ginger dressing I had tonite was good too. Nothing special, but just basic goodness.

Lisa said the Vegan chili was very good. It was chunky, spicy without being hot, flavorful. She always order the Fat Greek Crepe. It must be good as it is a constant on her plate. Pam stated her pasta was very bland and needed some more spice and was also dry. We thought the pasta had sucked up all the  spices and oil.

Greg really loved the Pumpkin Thai soup. It was thick, creamy with loads of flavor. His Panini was filled with Ham and  Spicy Cheese in a crusty grilled bread. It was flavorful without being spicy or hot. It looked good.

We had a more serious discussion tonite. We typically don't discuss serious issues at the ASC meals. But for some reason tonite the issue of gun control came up as well as the incident at Sandy Hook. We all agreed that assault weapons had no place in the home, as they were not made or used for anything like hunting, or protection. They were made strictly for killing. However, we did not all agree that banning assault weapons would put an end to the mass killings. Some of us were of the thought that if a body is of the mind to kill folks, they are going to do it regardless if they have an assault weapon or not. Take Timothy McVeigh for instance.. and others just like him. Pipe bombs are easy to make, the ingredients and "how to" are easily found on the Internet.
However, others at the table were of the thinking that banning assault weapons would put an end to the mass killings as the killer wanted to make a name for themselves with the act, and they wanted to do it quickly, all at once.
Regardless of which side of the fence you are on in this ongoing national debate, the outcome of an individuals psychosis is a deeply saddening, useless, unnecessary result of their just plain, crazy thinking. It does seem that these type of incidents keep occurring with more frequency.
Is it just me or does it seem like folks are getting more crazy? It seems that the younger generations do not have any fortitude to deal with life, or what they deem as hardship or trouble. They seem fragile, unstable and ready to fight or kill all to readily at the first hint of insult or injury.

Anyway, enough of all that seriousness. You didn't come here for a debate or to hear us ramble on about political issues. You came to read about food, friends and fun.

We ended up meeting one of Pam's author friends,  David Joy, who is a new author. Check out his book, "Growing Gills."  I have to say.. he is quite cute, and personable with a beaming smile. It seems he is allergic to gluten, so comes to City Lights where he can get gluten free items. See! I told you.
Anyway, it seems this young writer has a reputation as a fish romancer...and from what I hear.. a good kisser. But as for details, no one's talking and.... and only the fish will tell if you can get them to talk.

It seems he has recently moved to the Sylva area from Cashiers. he has moved close to the river so he can continue to romance the local fishes right from his front yard, so to speak. He moved close to us after some coaxing, and we had a pleasant conversation with him about his book, new projects, and some other authors he and Pam knew.
It was overall a pleasant evening... we did miss our other members, but met a new friend. We invited him to the Noodle House next Thursday.

And..... you all are invited to come join the Supper Club also... next Thursday, January 3 at the Noodle House in Harrah's Casino. See you at 6:30.

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